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The Philia Foundation was incorporated at the end of 2007 as a 501 C 3 non-profit for the purpose of improving people’s lives. The name was derived from the Greek word that describes love-Philia: meaning love for others more than ones self.
We are a start-up foundation privately funded. We are made up of ordinary people who would like to improve lives through poverty reduction and malaria eradication. We seek to allocate at least 80 percent of all funds coming into the organization on projects that would grant immediate help to people who receive it.  
(Tax-Excempt Document in PDF)
We seek to highlight the following:


  • That to whom much is given much is required. We work on a simple premise:- we all can become world changers by improving some life, without altering our way of life.


  • That awareness and guiding people to action can result, in some of the most life-changing results. You can have a direct voice in making people aware of the needs in the world. Most people are basically ‘good at heart’ and would love the opportunity to make a difference in the world.


  • We are here to change conventional thinking. Conventional thinking would have us believe, that only the rich entrepreneur, the famous philanthropist and the well know super star are qualified to lead the charge because of their money and connections. We believe strongly, that the time has come for people all over the developed world and even in developing parts of the world to rethink this type of thinking.


  • New concepts and the advent of information and technology allow all to participate; we are here to help facilitate the new and exciting avenues to reduce suffering and poverty around the world. This is a grass roots foundation. We do not strive to have all projects revolve around our foundation, we seek to motivate others to start projects and use the power of ‘word and mouth’ to enlist people into thinking about their responsibility towards the world.

We came into existence in order to uplift and improve lives globally through ways and means that would lift them out of poverty. Our motto is not to grant charity but to facilitate constructive means so that lives can be changed permanently. We are here to teach a person to fish instead of giving them the fish.






In order to execute these projects the Philia Foundation intends to work with non-profit and faith-based groups that already have a structure in place. Most workers would be used on a part time basis and no board member or administrator will be paid a salary for the balance of 2008 so as to keep expenses to a minimum and ensure at least 80% of all monies raised go directly to each project.


We intend to start with some malaria projects that would bring immediate relief to people suffering in the world. We are in the process of partner shipping with malaria companies involved in insecticide bed-nets.


The Philia Foundation has had a short existence. No one is being paid a salary at present and expenses are used to build awareness of the foundation and continual work on our web-site. Donations that are coming in, will be used to continuing the awareness campaign and go towards malaria and micro finance projects. 


The foundation is attracting lots of interest as people want to learn and become involved in a meaningful area to improve the world.





The following are just some of the persons involved. Many others are coming aboard on a totally volunteer basis. This will be updated in a short time to add all the Philia Coordinators and other Advisors.




Those involved alphabetically: Most of the names listed serve as Advisors.
    Dr. Shoudry Babu - Hails from India and is a global faith-based speaker and a specialist Holy Land Tour Director. A top communicator in regards to history.
    Lawrence Chester - A business entrepreneur from Pennsylvania and a Founder and President of Day-Spring Ministries in the Pocono’s.
    Dr. Jonathan Owhe - A Nigerian leader who is the President of a Global faith-based ministry. An entrepreneur who has started various companies and is a sought after speaker around the world.
    Joseph Persaud-Holds Bachelors in Legal Studies from John Jay College of Criminal Justice and a Masters in International Affairs from The New School University. Also completed 3 years of Theological School in South America. Has spent much of his life working around charitable organizations and involved in charitable work with his father and many faith-based organizations. His father heads up an evangelical church called Liberty Ministries which has a network of faith based organizations throughout USA and around the developing world. Has spent the last 7 years traveling to various developing nations around the world including, Mexico, Haiti, India and Nigeria. Has held many conferences in those nations to discuss the economic and health plight and solutions, such as, Micro-finance and micro-insurance.
    Michael Persaud - Involved in the Liberty Ministries as its President – a 200 member church in the New York City area. Also serves as Director in the International Fellowship of Churches. Serves as a trustee for the Philia Foundation
    Mahase Singh - A certified Teacher and former teacher in the Amazon jungle of South America and leader at Liberty Fellowship Church for over 20 years. Presently with the Liberty Ministries Worldwide and a Trustee for the Philia Foundation.
    Jack Zweig M.D - A specialist in internal medicine and has been involved in various cancer research projects and on the New York University teaching faculty.
    Dr Bola Omoniyi -  Bachelors degree in Medical Biochemistry at the University of Surrey, UK in 1995. Attended Cornell University Medical College, New York as a researcher in cardiovascular disease, earning a PhD in Pharmacology in 1999.  Worked in the US pharmaceutical industry where she worked to develop novel cancer drugs. In 2004, Dr. Omoniyi resigned her position as a Medical Scientist at GlaxoSmithKline to devote her time and efforts to addressing the needs of HIV/AIDS patients and orphans in Southern Africa as well as developing affordable medicines for the treatment of Malaria.  She served as a spokesperson on issues of public health in Africa, with extensive advocacy in the local, national and international media as well as international health conferences.   In 2007, Dr. Omoniyi attended the Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service, NYU, as a Dean’s Scholar, where she earned a Master of Science in Management of International Public Service Organizations.  Dr. Omoniyi currently works on international health and development projects in Africa.
    Susan Persaud - City Of New York Children Services. Attended St.Johns University & obtained a Bachelors in childhood education & a Masters from New York University. 
     Solomon Udo-Faith Based Therapist In Personal & Family Counseling in New York and Internationally. Bachelors in Administration from the University of Aport Harourt in Nigeria and a Mastersin Divinity from Drew University, U.S.A.   





Dr. Shourdry Babu (India)
Dr. Jonathan Owhe (Africa)
Rachel Persaud
Michael Persaud
Mahase Singh
Jack Zweig M.D

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